The 3 top social bookmarking sites are Digg, Reddit, and Delicious.
These sites get over 8 million unique visitors each month. It is
achievable to funnel off some of this traffic to your website. But
ensure you write content that readers will
enjoy and/or find useful. The most popular content on social bookmarking
sites are usually check lists, “Top 10” lists, tools & resources,
and breaking news
2. Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo dominates the Question and Answers arena. Thousands
and thousands of questions every day about nearly every niche and industry you can
imagine are asked. A quick search for the term “Search Engine Optimization” shows over
1,300 questions that can be answered. The key solution to driving massive amounts
of traffic from Yahoo Answers is to give genuinely helpful quality answers, which will help increase your search engine ranking.
Instead of trying to create a blatant advertisement for your website
work on becoming an authority in your industry or niche.
3. Squidoo
Squidoo ( is full of 100% user generated
content that allows you to create what’s called a “lens.” A lens is a
page about a specific topic that you choose to write about (usually
something you’re knowledgeable in). After creating your lens other
people can find it by searching for terms and keywords related to your
lens. Its very easy to rank Squidoo lenses for
competitive terms that would prove to be a challenge for websites with
lesser authority. Creating a lens on Squidoo gives you 2 key traffic
When people use search engines and search for keywords related to
your lens it will sometimes show up in the top search results if it’s
relevant enough to the search phrase. This means you can get drones of
targeted traffic to your lens from search engines that you can funnel
into your website.
Squidoo has a huge community of active users that use Squidoo to
find things they want to know more about. Squidoo currently gets over 9.5
million unique visitors a month and they’re still growing steadily.